- Fetch for the JavaScript target: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API
Example: cmd: -r:off
import src/nodejs/jsfetch import std/[asyncjs, jsconsole, jsheaders, jsformdata] from std/httpcore import HttpMethod from std/jsffi import JsObject from std/sugar import `=>` block: let options0: FetchOptions = unsafeNewFetchOptions( metod = "POST".cstring, body = """{"key": "value"}""".cstring, mode = "no-cors".cstring, credentials = "omit".cstring, cache = "no-cache".cstring, referrerPolicy = "no-referrer".cstring, keepalive = false, redirect = "follow".cstring, referrer = "client".cstring, integrity = "".cstring, headers = newHeaders() ) assert options0.keepalive == false assert options0.metod == "POST".cstring assert options0.body == """{"key": "value"}""".cstring assert options0.mode == "no-cors".cstring assert options0.credentials == "omit".cstring assert options0.cache == "no-cache".cstring assert options0.referrerPolicy == "no-referrer".cstring assert options0.redirect == "follow".cstring assert options0.referrer == "client".cstring assert options0.integrity == "".cstring assert options0.headers.len == 0 block: let options1: FetchOptions = newFetchOptions( metod = HttpPost, body = """{"key": "value"}""".cstring, mode = fmNoCors, credentials = fcOmit, cache = fchNoCache, referrerPolicy = frpNoReferrer, keepalive = false, redirect = frFollow, referrer = "client".cstring, integrity = "".cstring, headers = newHeaders() ) assert options1.keepalive == false assert options1.metod == $HttpPost assert options1.body == """{"key": "value"}""".cstring assert options1.mode == $fmNoCors assert options1.credentials == $fcOmit assert options1.cache == $fchNoCache assert options1.referrerPolicy == $frpNoReferrer assert options1.redirect == $frFollow assert options1.referrer == "client".cstring assert options1.integrity == "".cstring assert options1.headers.len == 0 block: let response: Response = newResponse(body = "-. .. --".cstring) let request: Request = newRequest(url = "http://nim-lang.org".cstring) if not defined(nodejs): block: proc doFetch(): Future[Response] {.async.} = fetch "https://httpbin.org/get".cstring proc example() {.async.} = let response: Response = await doFetch() assert response.ok assert response.status == 200.cint assert response.headers is Headers assert response.body is cstring discard example() when defined(nimExperimentalAsyncjsThen): block: proc example2 {.async.} = await fetch("https://api.github.com/users/torvalds".cstring) .then((response: Response) => response.json()) .then((json: JsObject) => console.log(json)) .catch((err: Error) => console.log("Request Failed", err)) discard example2()
FetchCaches = enum fchDefault = "default", fchNoStore = "no-store", fchReload = "reload", fchNoCache = "no-cache", fchForceCache = "force-cache"
- https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Request/cache
FetchCredentials = enum fcInclude = "include", fcSameOrigin = "same-origin", fcOmit = "omit"
- Credential options. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request/credentials
FetchModes = enum fmCors = "cors", fmNoCors = "no-cors", fmSameOrigin = "same-origin"
- Mode options.
FetchOptions = ref object of JsRoot keepalive*: bool metod* {.importjs: "method".}: cstring body*, integrity*, referrer*, mode*, credentials*, cache*, redirect*, referrerPolicy*: cstring headers*: Headers
- Options for Fetch API.
FetchRedirects = enum frFollow = "follow", frError = "error", frManual = "manual"
- Redirects options.
FetchReferrerPolicies = enum frpNoReferrer = "no-referrer", frpNoReferrerWhenDowngrade = "no-referrer-when-downgrade", frpOrigin = "origin", frpOriginWhenCrossOrigin = "origin-when-cross-origin", frpUnsafeUrl = "unsafe-url"
- Referrer Policy options.
Request = ref object of JsRoot bodyUsed*, ok*, redirected*: bool typ* {.importjs: "type".}: cstring url*, statusText*: cstring status*: cint headers*: Headers body*: cstring
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request
Response = ref object of JsRoot bodyUsed*, ok*, redirected*: bool typ* {.importjs: "type".}: cstring url*, statusText*: cstring status*: cint headers*: Headers body*: cstring
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response
func `$`(self: Request | Response | FetchOptions): string
func clone(self: Response | Request): Response {.importjs: "#.$1()", ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response/clone
proc fetch(url: cstring | Request): Future[Response] {.importjs: "$1(#)", ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- fetch() API, simple GET only, returns a Future[Response].
proc fetch(url: cstring | Request; options: FetchOptions): Future[Response] {. importjs: "$1(#, #)", ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- fetch() API that takes a FetchOptions, returns a Future[Response].
proc formData(self: Response): Future[FormData] {.importjs: "#.$1()", ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response/formData
proc json(self: Response): Future[JsObject] {.importjs: "#.$1()", ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response/json
func newfetchOptions(metod: HttpMethod; body: cstring; mode: FetchModes; credentials: FetchCredentials; cache: FetchCaches; referrerPolicy: FetchReferrerPolicies; keepalive: bool; redirect = frFollow; referrer = "client".cstring; integrity = "".cstring; headers: Headers = newHeaders()): FetchOptions {. ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- Constructor for FetchOptions.
func newRequest(url: cstring): Request {.importjs: "(new Request(#))", ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- Constructor for Request. This does not call fetch(). Same as new Request().
func newRequest(url: cstring; fetchOptions: FetchOptions): Request {. importjs: "(new Request(#, #))", ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- Constructor for Request with fetchOptions. Same as fetch(url, fetchOptions).
func newResponse(body: cstring | FormData): Response {. importjs: "(new Response(#))", ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- Constructor for Response. This does not call fetch(). Same as new Response().
proc text(self: Response): Future[cstring] {.importjs: "#.$1()", ...raises: [], tags: [].}
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response/text
func toCstring(self: Request | Response | FetchOptions): cstring {. importjs: "JSON.stringify(#)", ...raises: [], tags: [].}
proc unsafeNewFetchOptions(metod, body, mode, credentials, cache, referrerPolicy: cstring; keepalive: bool; redirect = "follow".cstring; referrer = "client".cstring; integrity = "".cstring; headers: Headers = newHeaders()): FetchOptions {.importjs: "{method: #, body: #, mode: #, credentials: #, cache: #, referrerPolicy: #, keepalive: #, redirect: #, referrer: #, integrity: #, headers: #}", ...raises: [], tags: [].}
Warning: Unsafe newfetchOptions.