

macro unrollEncodeQuery(target: var string; args: openArray[(string, auto)];
                        escape: typed = nil; quote: static[bool] = false)
Compile-time macro-unrolled zero-overhead uri.encodeQuery.
  • If quote is true, then the query string Values will be quoted, even if it is not required.
  • If values are integers nnkIntLit..nnkUInt64Lit then addInt is used for performance, otherwise add.
  • target can be empty string, args must not be empty, escape can be nil.
  • If escape is not nil, then the query string values will be URL-encoded using escape() function.
  • Some examples of escape can be encodeUrl, strip, toLowerAscii, toUpperAscii, etc.
  • Works better with newStringOfCap(cap = yourBestGuess).


const x = "cat"
const y = "dog"
const z = "42"
var queryParams = ""
unrollEncodeQuery(queryParams, {"key0": x, "key1": y, "key2": z})
doAssert queryParams == "?key0=cat&key1=dog&key2=42"
Expands to:
var queryParams = ""
queryParams.add '?'
queryParams.add 'k'
queryParams.add 'e'
queryParams.add 'y'
queryParams.add '0'
queryParams.add '='
queryParams.add x
queryParams.add '&'
queryParams.add 'k'
queryParams.add 'e'
queryParams.add 'y'
queryParams.add '1'
queryParams.add '='
queryParams.add y
queryParams.add '&'
queryParams.add 'k'
queryParams.add 'e'
queryParams.add 'y'
queryParams.add '2'
queryParams.add '='
queryParams.add z

To work with NON URL-encoded strings, use escape=encodeUrl:


from std/uri import encodeUrl # You must import your escaping function.
var a = "\0"                  # This value is NOT URL Encoded.
let b = "a b c"               # This value is NOT URL Encoded.
const c = ""                  # This value is NOT URL Encoded.
var queryParams = ""
# Expands to `encodeUrl(a)`, `encodeUrl(b)`, `encodeUrl(c)`
unrollEncodeQuery(queryParams, {"a": a, "b": b, "c": c}, escape = encodeUrl)
doAssert queryParams == "?a=%00&b=a+b+c&c="  # This URL query param is URL Encoded.
Working with float values, force quoting using quote=true and a custom func:


const foo = 3.14
const bar = -9.9
const baz = 0.0
var queryParams = ""
func custom(floaty: float): string = $floaty
unrollEncodeQuery(queryParams, {"a": foo, "b": bar, "c": baz}, quote = true, escape = custom)
doAssert queryParams == """"3.14"&b="-9.9"&c="0.0""""
  • If you still do not understand what you are doing, use escape=encodeUrl and import std/uri.
macro unrollEncodeQuery(target: var string;
                        args: openArray[(string, SomeInteger)];
                        escape: typed = nil; quote: static[bool] = false)
Same as unrollEncodeQuery but optimized for integers, uses addInt instead of add.


var integer = 42  # Run-time value.
var queryParams = ""
unrollEncodeQuery(queryParams, {"a": integer})
doAssert queryParams == "?a=42"
Expands to:
var queryParams = ""
queryParams.add '?'
queryParams.add 'a'
queryParams.add '='
queryParams.addInt 42

Automatically uses addInt for performance.

macro unrollIt(x: ForLoopStmt)
Compile-time macro-unrolled zero-overhead for loops.
for _ in unrollIt([0, 1, 2, 3]): echo it

Expands to:

  var it = 0
  echo it
  it = 1
  echo it
  it = 2
  echo it
  it = 3
  echo it

Another example:

for _ in unrollIt([('a', true), ('b', false)]): echo it

Expands to:

  var it = ('a', true)
  echo it
  it = ('b', false)
  echo it

You must use _ as argument, because it must be ignored, this is invalid:

for i in unrollIt([0, 1]): echo it  # Uses "for i in" instead of "for _ in"

Iterable must not be empty, because theres nothing to unroll, these are Invalid:

for _ in unrollIt([]):   echo it  # Can not unroll emptyness into nothing.
for _ in unrollIt([42]): echo it  # Pointless to unroll just 1 item.

Inside the unrolled body you can use the variable it, only the it variable is allocated by the macro for minimal overhead, this does not mutate nor copy the iterable, the items inside the iterable must be assignable to a var. Inspired by sequtils.mapIt. Iterable must not be empty.

macro unrollStringOps(x: ForLoopStmt)
Compile-time macro-unrolled zero-overhead String operations. Unroll any string ops into char ops, does NOT create a block:, works better with newStringOfCap.
var it: char        # Required, must be type char, must be mutable.
var output: string  # Use newStringOfCap() for even more performance.
for _ in unrollStringOps("abc", it): output.add it  # Ops to unroll here.

Expands to:

var it: char
var output: string
it = 'a'
add(output, it)
it = 'b'
add(output, it)
it = 'c'

String to unroll must not be empty, these are invalid:

var it: char
var output: string
for _ in unrollStringOps("", it): output.add it
for _ in unrollStringOps("a", it): output.add it