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Type-Safe DotEnv for Nim optimized for JavaScript

Type-safe .env file is just a .env but Typed.

Types are enforced via a comment, so it is still a "vanilla" .env.

Type-safe .env file can be used with unsafe .env parsers, legacy parsers will ignore the comment.

Keys must be a non-empty ASCII string [a-zA-Z0-9_], keys are validated. Key-Value separator must be =.

Parses the same .env file from the vanilla implementation tests. Takes string and returns a JSON.

Faster than the original DotEnv. Implementation is ~50 lines of code. DotEnv example:

DB_HOST=localhost  # string
DB_USER=root       # string
DB_PASS="123"      # string
DB_TIMEOUT=42      # int
DELAY=3.14         # float
ACTIVE=true        # bool

Example: cmd: -b:js -d:nodejs --experimental:strictFuncs

import src/nodejs/jsdotenv
from std/json import pretty  # json.pretty only used for the test.
## These examples are from the official dotenv git repo.
doAssert parseDotEnv("""
# This is a comment = 42
json0 = {"key":"value"} # json
k="v"                   # string
x = 42                  # int
v = 2.0                 # float
o = true                # bool
b = false               # bool
t = +inf                # float
w = -inf                # float
g = NaN                 # float
cc=""                   # string
x=""                    # int
t = 9999999999999999999 # int
isConsoleApplication=False                   # bool
COMPILE=True                                 # bool
BASIC=basic                                  # string
# previous line intentionally left blank
AFTER_LINE=after_line                        # string
EMPTY=                                       # string
SINGLE_QUOTES='single_quotes'                # string
SINGLE_QUOTES_SPACED='    single quotes    ' # string
DOUBLE_QUOTES="double_quotes"                # string
DOUBLE_QUOTES_SPACED="    double quotes    " # string
RETAIN_INNER_QUOTES={"foo": "bar"}           # json
RETAIN_LEADING_DQUOTE="retained              # string
RETAIN_LEADING_SQUOTE='retained              # string
RETAIN_TRAILING_DQUOTE=retained"             # string
RETAIN_TRAILING_SQUOTE=retained'             # string
RETAIN_INNER_QUOTES_AS_STRING='{"k":"v"}'    # string
TRIM_SPACE_FROM_UNQUOTED=  spaced out string # string
USERNAME=therealnerdybeast@example.tld       # string
    SPACED_KEY = parsed                      # string
EXPAND_NEWLINES="expand\nnew\nlines"         # string
DONT_EXPAND_UNQUOTED=dontexpand\nnewlines    # string
DONT_EXPAND_SQUOTED='dontexpand\nnewlines'   # string
EQUAL_SIGNS=equals==                         # string
  """).pretty == """{
  "json0": {
    "key": "value"
  "k": "\"v\"",
  "x": 0,
  "v": 2.0,
  "o": true,
  "b": false,
  "t": 2147483647,
  "w": -Infinity,
  "g": NaN,
  "cc": "\"\"",
  "isConsoleApplication": false,
  "COMPILE": true,
  "BASIC": "basic",
  "AFTER_LINE": "after_line",
  "EMPTY": "",
  "SINGLE_QUOTES": "'single_quotes'",
  "SINGLE_QUOTES_SPACED": "'    single quotes    '",
  "DOUBLE_QUOTES": "\"double_quotes\"",
  "DOUBLE_QUOTES_SPACED": "\"    double quotes    \"",
    "foo": "bar"
  "RETAIN_LEADING_DQUOTE": "\"retained",
  "RETAIN_LEADING_SQUOTE": "'retained",
  "RETAIN_TRAILING_DQUOTE": "retained\"",
  "RETAIN_TRAILING_SQUOTE": "retained'",
  "RETAIN_INNER_QUOTES_AS_STRING": "'{\"k\":\"v\"}'",
  "TRIM_SPACE_FROM_UNQUOTED": "spaced out string",
  "USERNAME": "therealnerdybeast@example.tld",
  "SPACED_KEY": "parsed",
  "EXPAND_NEWLINES": "\"expand\\nnew\\nlines\"",
  "DONT_EXPAND_UNQUOTED": "dontexpand\\nnewlines",
  "DONT_EXPAND_SQUOTED": "'dontexpand\\nnewlines'",
  "EQUAL_SIGNS": "equals"


proc parseDotEnv(s: string): JsonNode {....raises: [IOError, OSError,
    JsonParsingError, ValueError, Exception],
                                        tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect].}