
Gatabase Sugar

Syntax Sugar for Gatabase using template.

include or import after importing db_sqlite or db_postgres to use it on your code.

import db_sqlite
include gatabase/sugar
import db_postgres
include gatabase/sugar

All Gatabase sugar is always optional. The templates are very efficient, no stdlib imports, no object heap alloc, no string formatting, just primitives, no more than 1 variable used.


template createTable(name: static string; code: untyped): SqlQuery
Create a new database table name with fields from code, returns 1 SqlQuery. Works with Postgres and Sqlite. SqlQuery is pretty-printed when not built for release.
import db_sqlite
include gatabase/sugar
let myTable = createTable "kitten": [
  "age"    := 1,
  "sex"    := 'f',
  "name"   := "unnamed",
  "rank"   := 3.14,
  "weight" := int,
  "color"  := char,
  "owner"  := string,
  "food"   := float,

Generates the SQL Query:

  id      INTEGER      PRIMARY KEY,
  age     INTEGER      NOT NULL      DEFAULT 1,
  sex     VARCHAR(1)   NOT NULL      DEFAULT 'f',
  name    TEXT         NOT NULL      DEFAULT 'unnamed',
  rank    REAL         NOT NULL      DEFAULT 3.14,
  weight  INTEGER,
  color   VARCHAR(1),
  owner   TEXT,
  food    REAL,

More examples:

template dropTable(db; name: string): bool
Alias for tryExec(db, sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ?"), name). Requires a db of DbConn type. Works with Postgres and Sqlite. Deleted tables can not be restored, be careful.
template withSqlite(path: static[string]; initTableSql: static[string];
                    closeOnQuit: static[bool]; closeOnCtrlC: static[bool];
                    code: untyped): untyped
Open, run initTableSql and Auto-Close a SQLite database.
  • path path to SQLite database file.
  • initTableSql SQL query string to initialize the database, create table if not exists alike.
  • closeOnQuit if true then addQuitProc(db.close()) is set.
  • closeOnCtrlC if true then setControlCHook(db.close()) is set.
import db_sqlite
include gatabase/sugar
const exampleTable = """
  create table if not exists person(
    id      integer primary key,
    name    text,
    active  bool,
    rank    float
); """

withSqlite(":memory:", exampleTable, false):  ## This is just an example.
  db.exec(sql"insert into person(name, active, rank) values('pepe', true, 42.0)")
template withPostgres(host, user, password, dbname: string;
                      initTableSql: static[string]; closeOnQuit: static[bool];
                      closeOnCtrlC: static[bool]; code: untyped): untyped
Open, run initTableSql and Auto-Close a Postgres database. See withSqlite for an example.
  • host host of Postgres Server, string type, must not be empty string.
  • user user of Postgres Server, string type, must not be empty string.
  • password password of Postgres Server, string type, must not be empty string.
  • dbname database name of Postgres Server, string type, must not be empty string.
  • initTableSql SQL query string to initialize the database, create table if not exists alike.
  • closeOnQuit if true then addQuitProc(db.close()) is set.
  • closeOnCtrlC if true then setControlCHook(db.close()) is set.
template `.`(indx: int; data: Row): int
9.row convenience alias for strutils.parseInt(row[9]) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: char; data: Row): char
'9'.row convenience alias for char(row[strutils.parseInt($indx)][0]) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: uint; data: Row): uint
9'u.row convenience alias for uint(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: cint; data: Row): cint
cint(9).row convenience alias for cint(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: int8; data: Row): int8
9'i8.row convenience alias for int8(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: byte; data: Row): byte
byte(9).row convenience alias for byte(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: int16; data: Row): int16
9'i16.row convenience alias for int16(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: int32; data: Row): int32
9'i32.row convenience alias for int32(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: int64; data: Row): int64
9'i64.row convenience alias for int64(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: uint8; data: Row): uint8
9'u8.row convenience alias for uint8(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: uint16; data: Row): uint16
9'u16.row convenience alias for uint16(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: uint32; data: Row): uint32
9'u32.row convenience alias for uint32(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: uint64; data: Row): uint64
9'u64.row convenience alias for uint64(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: float; data: Row): float
9.0.row convenience alias for strutils.parseFloat(row[int(9)]) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: Natural; data: Row): Natural
Natural(9).row convenience alias for Natural(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: cstring; data: Row): cstring
cstring("9").row convenience alias for cstring(row[9]) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: Positive; data: Row): Positive
Positive(9).row convenience alias for Positive(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: BiggestInt; data: Row): BiggestInt
BiggestInt(9).row convenience alias for BiggestInt(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: BiggestUInt; data: Row): BiggestUInt
BiggestUInt(9).row convenience alias for BiggestUInt(strutils.parseInt(row[9])) (row is Row type).
template `.`(indx: float32; data: Row): float32
9.0'f32.row convenience alias for float32(strutils.parseFloat(row[int(9)])) (row is Row type).